

Dear Lebanese citizen, in case you were still wondering why your country has no hope of emerging from its 33rd world cesspool condition, here is why. In 33rd world cesspits, an inscription forbidding littering, actually invites deliberate littering. The culprit is no doubt feeling smart, rebellious and defying, with his heroic littering act. There is no greater proof of a people’s progressiveness and acute sense of evolution, than deliberately covering trees with your own (unsorted) trash. Such respect of nature is only the sign of highly evolved, supra-progressive breeds like Lebanese people. After all, we cant help it because, it’s our leadership’s fault! It’s never our fault or responsibility if we destroy our own lives and the

environment that sustains us and brings us whatever small beauty is still left in our ugly existence. Dear Lebanese citizen; you are ugly. And because you’re ugly, and you know it, you want to destroy that which is beautiful, and you do it deliberately. Then when you’re cornered, you conveniently blame your leaders. Yes, your leaders are bad. Very bad. But have you forgotten who voted for them?

It’s small, banal evils like this everyday vandalizing of nature, which bring about a people’s doom. A small cheating from here, a wasta abuse from there, a trashbag thrown into a pond, a glass bottle left in the forest… After all, it’s just ONE trashbag. And nobody saw me do it! Multiply this 1 small, meaningless evil by 5 million, by 365 days and you have yourself a catastrophe. People are still throwing their garbage unsorted, despite municipal efforts to sort the garbage for recycling. If you want to commit suicide, please do it alone, because the rest of the country is actually trying to abide by the rules. Whining about the

desperate situation in the country? Just do a quick review over your most recent transgressions. That should shut you up for a while. Still reading this article? You wont find a single congratulatory word here, so you might as well start having your precious feelz hurt. Come on, feel alienated and offended. YOU are to blame. You dont like the patronizing tone? Take a look again at the picture. Now grow up and do something about it.


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